Sunday, March 27, 2011

This weather, ugh!

It has been a crazy, yet typical, early Spring around here. This morning, there was about a half-inch of snow on the ground, and by 11 a.m. it had melted already. I think we hit nearly 50 degrees for the high. Like I said, crazy. And typical for our little slice of heaven.

On a personal note, I have been fighting with an allergy to the early-blooming trees and/or the molds that developed from ALL. THAT. RAIN! Its either that or a cold. Never can tell. Along with that, I somehow bruised my right foot, along the inside, near the heel. I have no recollection of doing it, or how on earth I would have bruised myself right there, but nonetheless, a big ugly bruise is there. So with all that going on, I have been taking it easy on the running. Instead, I have been focusing on RWtL.

I like to think of myself as an idea person. I have had a few that I think could be huge, but I never follow up on them. Never. That's what makes this whole blog/vlog/facebook endeavor so scary and thrilling. Its the first time I've ever tried to make one of my ideas work. And actually, its only partly my idea.

As I've said in earlier blog posts, Lincoln was the spark of this idea, and he is also the one who nudged me into going for it. Along with that, he has been my coach, cheerleader, and counselor. I'm lucky to have him on my side.

Right now, I am pursuing some leads and some other ideas for the vlog. Like I said, its pretty exciting working on this and feeling like anything is possible. As always, I will keep my faithful followers (and anyone else who reads this blog or follows the facebook feed and youtube channel) up to date with the latest developments.

Until next time!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Busy week!

Since I started vlogging for RWtL, it seems like time has been moving very quickly. I find myself thinking about the next video a lot. And thinking, how can I turn what I just did into a video to post on the channel? And it has been a lot of fun!

I had been carrying a small notebook with me, in the event that inspiration struck. Then I realized that I could just make a note on my phone (either by text or voice memo), which made things seem so much cooler! Who wants to write things down in a notebook, when they could just hit Record and start blabbing. Of course, I do end up writing those mental notes down, in order to try to piece them into some kind of logical order, but that comes later.

This week, I ran a race (a 2-mile run with a St. Patrick's Day theme on the streets of my hometown), and convinced Lincoln to come down a shoot the April edition of the show for me. He was a super-helpful director, and was able to get a lively performance out of me (The first few videos were, for lack of a better word, boring. Hopefully those days are behind me.).

I also shot a few more videos for the channel this weekend, and I tried to keep it interesting. I also tried to make it look like some of the other videos I have been watching the heck out of lately (Vlog Brothers and Tobuscus). I hope I had some small degree of success with that, because their vids are frickin awesome.

That's all I have for now, so I will see you next time.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Here we go!

Let's get right to it.

A couple of weeks ago, after a lot of foot dragging on my part, I took an idea and ran with it (har har). A little over a year ago, my old pal Lincoln and his colleague Squire started a multi-front social media project called It was a new and exciting way for local businesses to get some exposure via the internet. spawned Living With The Locals, which led to a gig doing promotional videos for the city of Jeffersonville, and the growth of Squire's production company, Cool World Productions. They also landed a weekly spot on a midday talk show on Wave 3, where they brought a condensed version of LWTL to a much wider audience. Things are going pretty well for them.

So, like I said, a couple of weeks ago, I co-opted the Living With the Locals model, and went with something I enjoy (running, duh!). I contacted Lincoln, asking for his blessing to use the nearly-identical name. He agreed, and asked if I would let him show me the ropes, as it were.

I met with him and Squire a few days later, and laid out my idea for the show. They liked it, and were very gracious to offer advice and support. To be honest, I was humbled. These guys enjoy what they are doing so much, and are supportive of others who want to do the same. I can't thank them enough for giving me the tools and confidence to take this on.

In the time since that meeting, I've posted a few videos on YouTube (check out my channel!), and started a Facebook fan page, which I highly recommend.

So, there it is. A quick recap of how I got here.